C2R Sandalwood Carbon Forest

About Project

The C2R Green Sandalwood Carbon Forest Project is a beacon of environmental responsibility, prioritizing carbon sequestration to nurture a cleaner, more vibrant ecosystem. Own 400 sandalwood plants, celebrated for both medicinal and carbon-absorbing properties, within our focused one-acre development that fosters community, jobs, and socio-economic progress. Expect an 8% or higher ROI after 13 years. Secure your ownership via Non-Fungible Tokens (NFTs) on a blockchain platform, complemented by a flexible 3-year buy-back option. Our 12-year Asset Under Management (AUM) service ensures meticulous asset maintenance, aligned with our green commitments. Join us in sculpting a brighter tomorrow, nurturing communities, and expanding investment horizons.

Challenges & Solutions

In the face of challenges, The C2R Green Sandalwood Carbon Forest Project stands strong with strategic solutions. Our core focus on carbon sequestration builds a cleaner ecosystem, with ownership of carbon-absorbing sandalwood plants as both an investment and a nod to their medicinal value. Our one-acre development fuels community, job creation, and socio-economic growth, promising a solid 8% or higher ROI after 13 years. Ownership is secured via blockchain-based Non-Fungible Tokens (NFTs) with a flexible 3-year buy-back option.

Our 12-year Asset Under Management (AUM) service ensures asset maintenance in line with our green goals. To meet challenges, we rejuvenate native habitats, implement sustainable energy solutions, and create lasting income sources. These efforts protect biodiversity and reduce harmful emissions, shrinking our ecological footprint. Beyond environmental aims, we enhance community well-being, fostering a harmonious blend of nature, societal needs, and economic growth, making a tangible and enduring impact.


The C2R Green Sandalwood Carbon Forest Project yields a rich tapestry of positive outcomes. Prioritizing biodiversity, it revives fragile ecosystems, while carbon sequestration and sustainable energy adoption enhance environmental health. Empowering communities through sustainable livelihoods fosters shared prosperity and conservation. This endeavor ensures enduring, sustainable legacies for generations. The project consistently diminishes harmful emissions, contributing significantly to reducing our ecological footprint. Beyond environmental benefits, it enhances the overall well-being of the surrounding community, fostering a harmonious blend of nature, societal needs, and economic growth.

As a testament to our commitment, the C2R Green Sandalwood Carbon Forest Project stands as a beacon of hope, exemplifying how environmental preservation and sustainable practices can yield positive impacts on biodiversity, carbon levels, and community well-being. We envision our success radiating globally, inspiring and catalyzing similar initiatives that collectively contribute to a greener and healthier planet for present and future generations.

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